reloading dies

36487 Redding Type-s Match Bushing Full Die Set 6.5 Prc Brand New

36487 Redding Type-s Match Bushing Full Die Set 6.5 Prc Brand New
36487 Redding Type-s Match Bushing Full Die Set 6.5 Prc Brand New

36487 Redding Type-s Match Bushing Full Die Set 6.5 Prc Brand New

36487 REDDING TYPE-S MATCH BUSHING FULL DIE SET - 6.5 PRC - BRAND NEW. Type S - Bushing Full Length Sizing Die & Competition Seating Die. Full length resizing while maintaining exact control of the case neck is often desirable in one operation. The new Type S - Full Length Resizing/Bushing Die accomplishes this task with the precision you would expect from Redding.

Uses the same interchangeable bushings. 001 increments as those used in our bushing style neck sizing dies. The adjustable decapping rod allows you to adjust the bushing position, sizing only part of the neck length when desired. Concentricity is enhanced by the ability of the bushing to self-center on the neck of the cartridge case. All Type S except 17 and 20 Cal. Dies are supplied with both the standard size button and a decapping pin retainer for the advantages and versatility described under our Type S - Bushing Style Neck Sizing Dies. Note: By removing the bushing and all internal parts, the Type-S full bushing die may also be used as a body die. Set Contains: Type S - Match Bushing Full Length Sizing Die & Competition Seating Die. All dies are supplied without bushings. Bushings (both steel and titanium carbide) are available - just ask!

If you don't see what you need, reach out to us to inquire! Thanks for shopping here and have a blessed day!

36487 Redding Type-s Match Bushing Full Die Set 6.5 Prc Brand New